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Elisabeth Storrs
Elisabeth Storrs is the award-winning author of A Tale of Ancient Rome trilogy which was endorsed by Ursula Le Guin, Kate Quinn and Ben Kane. Two of the novels in the trilogy have been translated into Italian with the third to be released in 2025. An archaeologist loved Elisabeth’s trilogy so much she created an audio-visual exhibition featuring the novels’ characters voicing votive statuary at the Museo dell’Agro Veientano near Rome.
Elisabeth lives in Sydney and over the years has worked as a solicitor, corporate lawyer and corporate governance consultant. She is the founder and Chair of the Historical Novel Society Australasia (HNSA) and the former Deputy Chair of Writing NSW. In 2020, she headed the team that founded the $150,000 ARA Historical Novel Prize, the richest individual literary prize in Australia and New Zealand.
Now Elisabeth is hurtling centuries forward with Treasured, a novel set in WW2 Germany about looted art, bizarre Nazi archaeology, and a race to save the Trojan Gold during the fall of Berlin.